Tools We Use
Transformation requires Transformers
One thing is always the same through each organization’s journey…People.
You need your team to come on the journey with you. And you need your leaders–Transformers – to successfully lead the way. J2N provides a tool kit for Transformers to ensure a successful journey – the J2N Platform – an integrated system of Principles, Capabilities and Process.
Together with the story and movie, the interactive toolkit fosters self-awareness and emotional intelligence of how humans experience change. The language and metaphors have a 95% fit in people groups across the globe.
J2N Platform
An integrated system which creates a culture capable of change through Leaders of Leaders
GPS (Principles)
A GPS orients you and points to true north. No matter what changes you face during your journey – a damaged bridge, rockslide, or closed trail – you always know how to navigate around the challenges because you know which way is north.
Like true north, the more things change, the more we must rely on principles that don’t change. These principles form the foundation of J2N. The foundational principles of J2N are Respect, Trust, and Influence, or RTI. Leading with respect clears a path for trust integral to earning the ability to influence people to change.
SKILLS (Capabilities)
If you want to climb Mount Everest, you need the proper mountaineering capabilities such as multi-pitch climbing, glacier travel, and fall arrest. If you don’t have these skills you put yourself and your team at risk.
Similarly, Transformers who don’t possess the proper leadership and change capabilities put their strategic change initiatives at risk, which impacts them, their team, and the entire organization. The five change capabilities (J2N5) we use to prepare you and sustain you throughout your journey are:
- Optimizing communication
- Valuing differences
- Building teams
- Developing leaders
- Leading change
And like mountaineering, each of these capabilities make the other capabilities stronger and more effective. Missing only one capability can end your journey at any point.
PLAN (Process)
Now that you have learned the foundational principles and the capabilities, you are ready to begin executing your transformational change initiative. J2N provides the Transformer team a 7- Stage process that integrates seamlessly with our principles (RTI) and capabilities (J2N5). Our process is flexible and scalable, so it can integrate easily with most project management methodologies or training initiatives.
Without effective visual and emotional elements, a vision will not inspire and survive change and transition.
Additional Tools
Along with the principles, capabilities and processes, J2N provides additional tools for the Transformers
Movie and Story
The Journey to Newland Storybook and movie is an extended metaphor that simulates real leaders, teams, and organizations facing the threat of The Great Change which could drive them into extinction. The book chronicles the conflicts, challenges and decisions that took the team from Oldland to Newland.
The J2N map contains places such as Oldland, Timing Ridge, Comfort Valley and Newland (among others). The J2N platform alongside your Transformers aligns these locations to your unique context as a way to relate to your specific strategic change initiative.
Facilitator Guides, Participant Workbooks
Beautifully printed materials guide both the facilitators and the participants using language and metaphors applicable to most all cultures across the globe.
Interactive Games
The J2N Global team includes experts in gaming theory and production to create our signature games, The Coalition Game and the RTI Game. The Coalition Game is a social deduction game that teaches players the inter-relations between different change profiles, strategies to identify Transformers, and how to overcome resistance. The RTI Game highlights the input-throughput-output relationships of Respect-Trust-Influence.
MyJ2N Portal
MyJ2N provides a platform for the J2N team to coach client facilitators. MyJ2N is an integral part of the J2N Facilitator Certification and also includes additional training courses to deepen their understanding of change leadership.